5 Common Signs Your Roof Needs Restoration

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For most things, it’s easy to tell when they need work done. Your car’s making a frightening noise, you take it into the mechanic. Your shirt has a stubborn stain on it, you take it to the dry cleaners. Your tooth has an ache, you take out a second mortgage and then you go to the dentist.

Roofing, on the other hand, can be trickier. What are the common signs your roof needs restoration? Let’s ask the team at Royce Roofing and find out!

  1. Dried-out, brittle underlayment
    If your tile underlayment is looking dried-out and brittle, then it could be time for a roof restoration. Your underlayment is important for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, it creates a smooth surface for your roof tile to adhere to. Secondly, it helps to stop moisture from getting into your roof tiles, preventing cracking. A brittle underlayment is a common sign that your roof needs TLC.
  1. Peeling paint
    Peeling paint is a common sign that it might be time for a roof restoration. Roof paint helps protect your roof from weather conditions, and if it’s peeling off, it won’t be able to do this effectively. Acting on paint peel sooner rather than later is the best way to prevent further damage before it’s too late.
  1. Leaks
    Leaks are one of the most obvious signs that your roof is up for a restoration. Even during the summer, you can spot potential leaks if light is able to penetrate your inner roof cavity. These leaks can cause big problems like wall and ceiling damage, costing you significantly more money than just a roof restoration. If this is the case, it’s time to look at restoring your roof.
  1. Damaged roof tiles
    It’s important to check your tiles or steel sheets for any obvious signs of wear and tear. Are there any cracked or broken tiles or rusted steel sheets? If so, your roof is more prone to leaks. Vent pipes, chimneys, whirlybirds and gutters are all areas of your roof that you should inspect – and if they’re not in the best shape either, then it’s probably time to consider a roof restoration.
  1. Shabby ridge capping
    If your ridge capping is old, dilapidated or falling apart, it’s a tell-tale sign that your roof needs restoration. The ridge capping is actually one of the strongest parts of your roof, and extra care is usually paid when constructing it. So, if it’s falling apart, then it’s likely that there’s other problems with your roof as well.

Get in touch with Royce Roofing for a full-scale roof restoration to add years of life back to your roof, and make it look as good as new. Their team of friendly professionals are known for their high quality roof installations, replacements, restorative work and more. Royce Roofing have over 300 years’ combined experience in the field, so there’s absolutely nothing they can’t do. Grab yourself a quote today!




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